Statue of Pancha Buddha / Dhyani Buddha Set , Full Gold Statue



Pancha buddha, also popularly known as Dhyani Buddha, are emanated from Adibuddha. There are five Dhyani Buddhas (Buddhas in Meditation). They are not separate Gods. They are just abstract aspect of Buddhahood. They are also often called Tathagata. They are so popular in Nepal that they are found in every stupa, thousands of Chaityas (small stupas), in courtyard, and found painted in the main entrance of the Buddhist house. They are always shown seated in the position of meditation. Of the five Dhyani Buddhas, the senior is Vairochana who occupies center of the Mandala. In the Chaityas, only four other Dhyani Buddhas, the senior is Vairochana who occupies center of the Mandala. In the Chaityas only four other Dhyani Buddhas Akshobhya in the east, Ratna Sambhav in the south, Amitabha in the west and Amoghasiddhi in the north are depicted.

Additional information

Weight 7.5 kg
Dimensions 23 cm


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