Avalokiteshvara / Chenrezig , Full Body Colored




Among the 108 forms of Lokeswara, Avalokiteswara is one who refuses who to accept Nirvana since he considers such acceptance selfish in view of the ignorance of the great majority of the people who have not yet attained that stage. His sacrifice symbolizes infinite compassion (Karuna) sharing of mankind’s misery, willingness to help those in distress. He holds in his hand the indestructible jewel. He is savior and protector from danger. So, his invocation (Mantra) “OM MANI PADME HUM”is found inscribed on rocks, loose stones, prayer wheels, etc. Avalokiteswara is called Chengresik in Tibet.

The Statue of Chenrezig is made by the process of loss wax system. And the whole body of this statue has been gilded with Gold by the ancient process of gold gilding using amalgam Gold. This process of Gold gilding is known as Mercury Gold Gilding

Additional information

Weight 4.1 kg
Dimensions 15 × 11 × 18 cm


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