Three Color Oxidized Stupa With Stone Setting


Stupa, which represents the Buddhist Universe, is the Buddhist sanctuary, sometimes square and sometimes round, with spires or steps on the capital. Each spire or step represents a heaven, the uppermost portion being a point which is supposed to be the highest peak of Mount Sumeru, a mythical mountain hence the Buddhichitta loses itself in sunya. On the four sides of the chaitya the figures of your Dhyani Budhas Akkshobhaya. Ratna Sambhav, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi are placed. The place of Vairochana is in the centre. In some, Chaitya Vairochana is placed to the east along with Akshobhaya. In the lower area there are Tibetan guardian Lion and Dorje and Garuda and Elephant. It is open at the bottom, which shows the massive workmanship. Statues are often artificially weighted with concrete in order to achieve a higher weight.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 30 cm


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