Ushnishavijaya (Namgyalma) / Five Color Oxidized Statue


Ushnishavijaya, known as Namgyalma is a buddha of longevity in Buddhism. She wears an image of Vairochana in her headdress. With Amitayus and Sitatara, she constitutes the three Buddhas of long life. She is one of the more well-known Buddhist divinities in Nepal, Tibet, and Mongolia.  Namgyälma is a female yidam and long-life deity of the Kriya Tantra class in Tibetan Buddhism. She is typically depicted as being white in colour, seated, and has eight arms, holding various symbolic implements in each of her hands.

The Statue of Ushnishavijaya is made by the process of loss wax system. This statue is made over a 2-3 month process involving casting, creating wax molds, making plaster molds, pouring bronze, and intricate hand detailing and painting. The whole body of this statue has been gilded with Gold by the ancient process of gold gilding using amalgam gold i.e. Mercury Gold Gilding with five oxidized colors.

Additional information

Weight 9 kg
Dimensions 48 cm


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