Shakyamuni Statue / Five Color Oxidized Statue


Gautam Buddha is believed to have had 550 incarnations. Many previous Buddhas and other Buddhas yet to come are known as Buddhas. To distinguish from all over Buddhas, he has been called Shakyamuni (The lion of Shakya clan), the son of King Suddhodana and Queen Mayadevi. He was born on 563 B.C. at Lumbini, western part of Nepal. He had attained “Bodhi” or knowledge after 6 years in fasting and meditation and then he was called “Buddha” as he was “The Enlightened One”. He died at the age of 60 at Kusinagara.

The statue of Shakyamuni is made by the process of ‘Mercury Gliding method’. And the external part of this statue is oxidized by five different colors for finishing.

Additional information

Weight 3.283 kg
Dimensions 31 cm


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