Akshobhya Statue / Full Gold Statue



Akshobhya is next importance among the Dhyani Buddhas. He is regarded as the second Dhyani Buddha by the Nepalese Buddhists. Akshobhya originates from the blue syllable Hum. He is two armed and one faced and exhibits the Bhusparsa (earth touching) mudra which means calling the earth for witness, and sits in the Vajraparyanka pose. He represents the primordal cosmic element of Vijnana (consiousness). When represented in the Stupa, he always faces the east. His left hand rests on the lap, while the right rest on the right knee with the tip of the middle fingers touching the ground with palm shown inwardly.

His vehicle is a pair of elephant and his recognition symbol is the Vajra or Thunderbolt. His female is Locana.


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