Amitabha Statue / Full Body Thangka Colored Statue


Amitabha is the most ancient Budhha among the Dhyani Buddhas. He said to reside in the Sukhabati heaven in peaceful meditation. He is of red color originating from the red syllable HRIH. He represents cosmic element of ‘Sanjna’. His vehicle is peacock. He exhibits Samadhi Mudra with his two palms folded face up one on top of the other lying on his lap. He has a lotus at his sign. When represented on the stupa, he always faces the west. He is worshipped thinking that one can have salvation. Sometimes holding a Patra on the same posture. His female is Pandara. Amitabha denotes “Boundless light”or “Incomprehensible”.

The Statue of Amitabha Buddha is made by the process of loss wax system. And the whole body of this statue has been gilded with Gold by the ancient process of gold gilding using amalgam Gold. This process of Gold gilding is known as Mercury Gold Gilding and the external part of this statue is painted with different colors for Thangka color finishing.

Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 35 cm


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