Manjushree Statue / Five Color Oxidized Stone Setting Statue


Manjushree – “God of Divine Wisdom”, whose worship confers mastery of the Dharma retentive memory, mental perfection and eloquence. Manjushree is also one of the forms of Bodhisattwas and he symbolizes wisdom. In Nepal, he is considered as the founder of Nepalese civilization and the creator of Kathmandu Valley. According to the tradition, he was a Chinese Saint. His intuition told him of the blue flame (symbolizing Adibuddha or Swoyambhu) on a lotus in the big lake of Nepal. He went there to offer worship, but could not reach because of the water. He cut with his sword the Southern wall of the hills. The water of the lake drained to the South. The dry valley became the Kathmandu Valley. He carries the sword of wisdom and light in his right hand and Prajnaparmita manuscipt “the book of Divine Wisdom” on his left on the lotus blossom. His left hand will be in teaching gesture (Jnan Mudra). He is also called Manjunghose, Manju Bara, Vajranga and Vagiswara. People believe that the worship of Manjushree can confer upon wisdom, memory, intelligence etc.

Additional information

Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 62 cm


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