Vajrayogini Statue / Full Body Colored Statue



Vajrayogini is an important and popular Goddess. She has three forms in number and conform to two distinct types different from each other. In one form she has no head, but carries it in her hand and in another, she has her head intact. The former form is identical in appearance with the Hindu Goddess Chhinamasta of the group of the Mahavidyas. She is always accompanied by the two Yoginis on either side of her. She is yellow in color. She carries in her left hand her own head served by herself with her own katri held in her right hand. She is nude and her right leg is stretched, while the left is bent down. The another form is of red color. She is no less terrible than the headless form. She is surrounded on all sides by the terrible burning grounds. She stands in the Alidha attitude, she rides the corpse. She is nude and has three red eyes and round contorted brows, protuding belly and tongue. She carries the kapala in the left hand and the Vajra in the right. The Khatwanga hangs from her left shoulder. This form of Vajrayogini is similar to the form of Nairatma and Vajravarahi.

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 37 cm


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